Neighborhood Defender Service is continuing to fight for our clients in all practices throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, in both our Detroit and Harlem offices. However, to protect our clients, our staff and our communities, we have closed our physical offices. We are continuing to appear in court, are urging courts to conduct proceedings via video, and are receiving all calls and emails.
Please see below for information about court and NDS operations in New York and in Detroit:
New York
How to reach us: You can call us at 212-876-5500
Essential information
- Criminal courts are closed except for essential functions, including emergencies and arraignments.
- Family courts and Housing courts are closed except for emergencies. For a family court emergency, call (619) 630-8936.
- Immigration courts are closed except for essential functions, and in-person services at USCIS have been suspended. Detained appearances are ongoing.
- If you are a client, do not come to court unless instructed by an attorney
Essential Services
If you’re in need of key services, please consult the guides below or call us at 212-876-5500 for more information.
How to reach us: You can call us at 313-474-3200
Essential Information
- Wayne County courts are closed for all out-of-custody cases
- We are working to have all in-custody cases proceed via video as soon as possible
- If you are a client, do not come to court unless instructed by an attorney
Essential Services
- If you need housing, food, mental health or other services, please consult our Wayne County Resource Guide here.