Need Help?
If you or a young person you know is experiencing issues with the criminal legal system, please contact us at (212) 876-5500.
Young adults are at once the most hopeful segment of our population and at the same time a disparately targeted group within the criminal justice system. The Youth Law Practice provides the benefits of NDS’s team-based representation to those aged 7 through 18 who are criminally accused, whether they are prosecuted as adults in Supreme Court or as delinquents in Family Court.

Youth law attorneys coordinate with a team of social workers, investigators, and the housing and immigration attorneys on the NDS staff. They also work with educational and mental health specialists, as well as with community organizations and with professors and law students from local law schools and universities.
Nationally recognized as pioneers in this area, the Youth Law Practice brings NDS’ early-intervention and interdisciplinary approach to the defense and rehabilitation of young adults. Our goal is to work with our client, including their family and community, in the broadest manner by combining educational advocacy, social services, and the highest-quality legal representation.