Need Help?
If you or someone you know is experiencing ACS involvement or other Family Court issues, please contact us at (212) 876-5500.
NDS offers full representation on Family Court cases brought by the New York City Administration for Children’s Service (ACS) alleging abuse or neglect against a parent. It keeps families together and communities intact.

Being arrested and brought to criminal court can often lead to ACS involvement, and serious, unjust repercussions in a client’s family structure and daily life. Having ACS in one’s life can lead to long-lasting negative effects for families, including unnecessary, traumatic removals of children and lengthy, intrusive Family Court proceedings that often ultimately show no wrong-doing by a parent.
NDS offers family defense services to our existing criminal clients, but also to other members of the upper Manhattan community. We aim to enforce a family’s constitutionally-protected rights to privacy, integrity, and contact, and to help families navigate the complicated and interrelated systems of Family Court and ACS.