Need Help?
If you or someone you know needs assistance in a criminal legal matter, please contact us at (212) 876-5500 in New York or 313-474-3200 in Detroit.
At NDS, each client is represented by a team, rather than by an individual attorney. NDS defense teams are made up of attorneys, investigators, social workers, team administrators, and often law school and social work interns. We strive to provide the best possible services to our clients by combining the knowledge, skills, and attention of all of the team members. We devote significant resources to investigators to help our lawyers vigorously defend our clients.

NDS social workers also provide intensive services for our clients including advocacy for alternatives to incarceration, educational support, psychiatric and psychological referrals, and drug treatment placements.
Team administrators act as the lynchpins that hold the teams together, coordinating between attorneys, clients, their families, the courts, and outside social service providers. Our criminal defense teams also work closely with other NDS programs to ensure that our clients receive effective and efficient legal representation.